(775) 420-4224
Why VoIP?

Why VoIP?

Are you still using a PBX or key system in your office? These are internal phone system technologies that are decades old and should be replaced by a newer Voice over Internet Protocol system, better known as as VoIP. Why should you look into this technology?

There are pages of reasons, but let's look at three of the biggest.

  1. Lower costs - Saving on long distance and international toll charges. With VoIP, you are no longer sending your voice signal across the lines of the telephone company. Instead, the signal is going out across your broadband connection. More simply put, you’re sending it out across the Internet and eliminating per minute charges.
  2. Disaster and continuity planning. If a disaster should occur rendering your office unavailable for any period of time, the on-site physical nature of the PBX/Key system model means they become unusable. VoIP phones can be cloud-based. That means you can get access no matter what happens at your physical location.
  3. Mobile connectivity. Using VoIP, office phone extensions can be forwarded to any mobile device. Why is this a bonus? If a client calls your office extension, it can be automatically re-routed to your mobile so you don’t miss their call. This is also a great feature should any disaster or event occur limiting access to your physical offices.
Check with a managed service provider to learn more about all of the advantages of VoIP telephony.

Learn more about how our company can help. Contact us at 775-420-4224 or [email protected] .