Council Post: Creating An Effective Case Study: 12 Important Tips To Remember
By Sierra Miles Group LLC | |
Case studies are valuable pieces of evidence in your marketing programs. They demonstrate the thought process involved in creating solutions to previous problems, and they can give your prospective clients a boost of confidence in your abilities. Developing a case study, however, requires a balance of revealing enough background details—both of the problem and solution—while presenting it in in a way that doesn't feel like you're advertising. Read this article for great tips from 12 experts on how to create successful case studies: "Creating an Effective Case Study: 12 Important Tips to Remember."
3 ways you can ensure secure, productive remote work for your nonprofit
By Sierra Miles Group LLC | |
Secure work is productive work. With the right technology approach, you can protect data, devices, and applications, minimize the impact of security on your staff, and simplify IT. Access this infographic to learn three ways to ensure secure and productive remote work for your nonprofit. Contact Sierra Miles Group, LLC for more information.
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